
278.- ¡QUIERO IR!

On the occasion of the 10th birthday of the Electronic Journal on Numerical Analysis (ETNA), the conference "ETNA: Following the flows of Numerical Analysis" will be held in Kent, OH, May 29-31, 2003. The meeting, in the tradition of past Kent numerical analysis conferences, will give participants an opportunity to present their work and to interact in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

A web site for the conference, including a list of participants, is under construction. It can be found here (son giles para elegir lugares... pero no me alcanza ni para el pasaje).

Ah... Conicet no pagó diciembre todavía a los becarios... Bueno, el lunes hay una marcha a la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica (Córdoba al 800) a las 15 hs...

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