

No pensaba escribir nada sobre ésto, pero en el resumen diario del Math ArXiv, venía un paper de Chaitín (el 0306303). Leyéndolo, veo que esa diferencia 'flota' sobre el trabajo, y busco los anteriores.

En On the intelligibility of the universe and the notions of simplicity, complexity and irreducibility, aparece: "In my opinion, the fundamental point is this: The belief that the universe is rational, lawful, is of no value if the laws are too complicated for us to comprehend, and is even meaningless if the laws are as complicated as our observations, since the laws are then no simpler than the world they are supposed to explain."

De ahí, salté a su página personal, que nos recibe con dos frases de Leibniz sobre el tema:

"God has chosen that which is the most simple in hypotheses and the most rich in phenomena."

"But when a rule is extremely complex, that which conforms to it passes for random."

Algún día espero escribir sobre quién es Chaitín, pero basta con revisar su página para hacerse una idea.

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