
1299.- Suscribo

Surely only slow or very dim mathematicians work 80-100 hours per week!

The best ones do a few minutes reading and then set their unconscious mind onto the problem while they get and do other stuff. The number theorist GH Hardy supposedly never spent more than a couple of hours at his desk each day —usually in the morning. In the afternoons, he played cricket, read novels, took long walks, and went drinking with friends. If you read the autobio of the probability theorist (later an economist) JM Keynes, you find he did something similar— even when he was a senior civil servant, he rarely got to his office before late morning, and always left at 5. He usually spent his evenings being entertained with his ballerina wife and her louche friends.

Tengo que registrar en algún lado -acá está bien- esta respuesta de Peter para tenerla a mano cuando algún imbécil me pregunte por qué desperdicio tiempo en mi blog.

De paso, el post ese señala que el Editorial Board entero del journal K-Theory renunció y armó un nuevo journal, la noticia viene de Not Even Wrong, y se agrega otro punto interesante: los Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure salen de Elsevier, así que seguramente los veremos gratis en Numdam, donde, agreguemos, ya están disponibles los Seminaire Bourbaki desde el primer volumen de 1948 hasta el 44 de 2002... bue, no todas son buenas noticias, desde ya,...

1 comentario:

Churi dijo...

Yo tambien suscribo. Pero la version "moderna" de Hardy es: Dedicarse full-time a tareas docentes/burocraticas/administrativas y hacer investigacion en los ratos libres, casi como hobbie.